This is one of my favourite videos from my old personal YouTube channel that ran for a little over a year with a really dumb name. I still think this is one of the best pieces that I've ever edited.
The title screen, for instance, was a real labour of love. I found some great concept art for the game, and did a lot of cutting to give the illusion of depth with the title (using the font from the actual game!) sort of floating in-between the other elements.
I actually used fonts from the game for the "explainer" bits, like when I would highlight elements or show character names. I really wanted to capture the aesthetic of the game in the visuals for my video:
To get the two shots I'm showing above, I had to mod the game to get an active free-look camera. This allowed for some really unique and appealing looking shots that got my point across in a clearer way than just using the first-person view of the game. The look was definitely inspired by Andy Kelly's Other Places. Here are a few more that I really liked:

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